Semester ReportCard of Priyanshu Pundhir

Student of VIT-A: BBA-BCA-2022 --4th Sem --BCA

Dushyant Pundhir
Admission of 2022
Student Status
Studying | Regular_Studying

Not Registered for 2023 Not Allowed IS2

BCA | 450
Mentor Name
Shahrakuh kamal
Time Table
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University Syllabus
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Subjects of Priyanshu Pundhir

SubjectId SubjectName
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Faculty Name
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Marks IS1 Marks IS2 Marks PUT
2030 JAVA Programming Vikram Sharma 1|72 0 0 -1
2031 Web Technology with PHP & MySQL Shanu gupta 0|0 0 0 0
2032 Artificial Intelligence Vikram Sharma 0|0 0 0 -1
2033 Computer Network Vijay Pratap Singh 0|0 0 0 0
2034 Optimization Techniques Dr Rakesh Kumar Agrawal 0|0 0 0 -1
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