Semester ReportCard of Prakhar Mishra

Student of VIT-K: Btech-21-24 --6th Sem --CS

Karuna Shankar Mishra
Admission Old Session
Student Status
Studying | Regular_Studying

Not Registered for 2023 Allowed for IS2

CS | 465
Mentor Name
Time Table
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Subjects of Prakhar Mishra

SubjectId SubjectName
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Faculty Name
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Marks IS1 Marks IS2 Marks PUT
2150 Data Compression Ayushi Nigam 10|35 0 0 5
2151 Web Technology Ayushi Nigam 12|50 0 0 6
2152 Software Engineering PRAKANKSHA SHUKLA 18|59 0 0 17
2153 Computer Networks Vishal P Pandey 19|57 0 0 23
2154 UHV - 2 Kamlendra Yadav 17|57 0 0 0
2155 Indian Tradition, Culture and Society Devanshi Bajpai 4|31 0 0 15
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