Code| Weekly
| 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Ravi Bhardwaj
Fitter | 3rdSem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
Subject Material in Blob
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Fitter-Workshop

Units / Lecture Types Lab Total
1 32 32
2 16 16
3 8 8
4 0 0
5 2 2
Total 58 58

Lectures taken in Fitter-Workshop

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-05-02 Lab 3 5 Taper filing
2024-05-01 Lab 3 5 Holes making with drill machine
2024-02-05 Lab 3 3 Simple jig and fixture
2024-02-05 Lab 4 3 Simple jig and fixture
2024-01-17 Lab 3 3 Step filing and radius practice
2024-01-17 Lab 4 3 Step filing and radius practice
2024-01-08 Lab 3 3 Plate making between two shoulders
2024-01-08 Lab 4 3 Plate making between two shoulders
2023-12-28 Lab 3 3 External threads or T bolt Making with dies
2023-12-28 Lab 4 3 External threads or T bolt Making with dies
2023-12-20 Lab 3 2 Threading B. S. W. and tapping
2023-12-20 Lab 4 2 Threading B. S. W. and tapping
2023-12-18 Lab 3 2 Threading B. S. W. and tapping
2023-12-18 Lab 4 2 Threading B. S. W. and tapping
2023-12-15 Lab 3 2 Slide dovetail fitting
2023-12-15 Lab 4 2 Slide dovetail fitting
2023-12-13 Lab 3 2 Assembly of vice machine
2023-12-13 Lab 4 2 Assembly of vice machine
2023-12-04 Lab 3 2 External threading process on bench vice spindle handle
2023-12-04 Lab 4 2 External threading process on bench vice spindle handle
2023-12-02 Lab 3 2 Knurling process on lathe machine
2023-12-02 Lab 4 2 Knurling process on lathe machine
2023-11-30 Lab 3 2 True job four jawa chuck on lathe machine
2023-11-30 Lab 4 2 True job four jawa chuck on lathe machine
2023-11-02 Lab 3 2 V - fitting practice
2023-11-02 Lab 4 2 V - fitting practice
2023-10-20 Lab 3 1 Welding practice
2023-10-20 Lab 4 1 Welding practice
2023-10-17 Lab 3 1 Welding process & Repair bench vice
2023-10-17 Lab 4 1 Welding process & Repair bench vice
2023-10-16 Lab 3 1 Welding practice
2023-10-16 Lab 4 1 Welding practice
2023-10-11 Lab 3 1 Facing practice on lathe machine
2023-10-11 Lab 4 1 Facing practice on lathe machine
2023-10-10 Lab 3 1 Round bar job cutting 80*25 mm
2023-10-10 Lab 4 1 Round bar job cutting 80*25 mm
2023-10-09 Lab 3 1 Indexing square
2023-10-09 Lab 4 1 Indexing square
2023-10-05 Lab 3 1 Drilling practice on round bar
2023-10-05 Lab 4 1 Drilling practice on round bar
2023-10-03 Lab 3 1 Drilling practice on round bar
2023-10-03 Lab 4 1 Drilling practice on round bar
2023-09-29 Lab 3 1 Riveted joint making
2023-09-29 Lab 4 1 Riveted joint making
2023-09-27 Lab 3 1 Riveted joint making
2023-09-27 Lab 4 1 Riveted joint making
2023-09-25 Lab 3 1 Dovetail job fitting making job
2023-09-25 Lab 4 1 Dovetail job fitting making job
2023-09-22 Lab 5 1 Key making
2023-09-22 Lab 6 1 Key making
2023-09-21 Lab 5 1 Dovetail cutting job practice
2023-09-21 Lab 6 1 Dovetail cutting job practice
2023-09-20 Lab 5 1 Job piece cutting practice by power hacksaw
2023-09-20 Lab 6 1 Make the right angle job
2023-09-19 Lab 5 1 Cutting M. S flat work piece 100* 50*10 mm by power hacksaw
2023-09-19 Lab 6 1 Cutting M. S flat work piece 100* 50*10 mm by power hacksaw
2023-09-18 Lab 5 1 Scraping to Bearing surface
2023-09-18 Lab 6 1 Scraping to Bearing surface Continuous job work