Code| Weekly
KCS503 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Ayushi Nigam
CS | 5thSem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Lab ClassPPT Total
1 17 2 0 19
2 7 0 1 8
3 6 0 0 6
4 8 0 0 8
5 3 0 0 3
Total 41 2 1 44

Lectures taken in Design and Analysis of Algorithm

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2023-12-28 ClassLecture 4 5 Randomized algorithms and skip list
2023-12-27 ClassLecture 4 5 Approximation algorithms
2023-12-06 ClassLecture 4 5 Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
2023-12-04 ClassLecture 4 4 Revision of Bellman Ford Algorithm and Floyd Warshal's Algo
2023-12-02 ClassLecture 4 4 N-Queens problem and it's execution
2023-12-01 ClassLecture 4 4 Subset sum problem and it's execution
2023-11-30 ClassLecture 4 4 Backtracking Approach definition , Graph Coloring Problem, Hamiltonian Circuit Problem
2023-11-29 ClassLecture 4 4 Revision of Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming approach
2023-11-28 ClassLecture 4 4 TSP by using branch and bound technique
2023-11-25 ClassLecture 4 4 Travelling salesman problem by using branch and bound technique
2023-11-24 ClassLecture 4 4 Branch and bound technique introduction, knapsack problem and 15 puzzle problem
2023-11-23 ClassLecture 4 3 Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms and single source shortest path problem
2023-11-22 ClassLecture 4 3 Convex Hull, Task Scheduling Problem
2023-11-21 ClassLecture 4 3 Fractional knapsack problem, travelling salesman problem algorithm and it's execution
2023-11-20 ClassLecture 4 3 Greedy approach introduction and discussion of IS-2 paper
2023-11-07 ClassLecture 4 3 LCS AGORITHM and 0/1 KNAPSACK PROBLEM
2023-11-06 ClassLecture 4 3 Dynamic programming approach - matrix chain order algorithm and it's execution
2023-11-04 ClassLecture 4 2 RB tree Insertion and introduction of dynamic programming
2023-11-04 Lab 7 1 Quick sort program and it's execution
2023-11-03 ClassLecture 4 2 RB Insertion algorithm and it's execution
2023-11-02 ClassLecture 4 2 RB tree insertion algorithm and it's execution
2023-10-31 ClassLecture 4 2 Operations on Fibonacci Heap
2023-10-30 ClassPPT 4 2 Introduction about Fibonacci heaps and IS-1 paper discussion
2023-10-23 ClassLecture 4 2 Doubts clearing session
2023-10-21 ClassLecture 4 2 Binomial Heap operations (UNION and Extract Min Algorithm)
2023-10-20 ClassLecture 5 2 Operations on binomial heap
2023-10-19 ClassLecture 4 1 B Tree theorem, deletion operation and binomial heap introduction and it's properties
2023-10-18 ClassLecture 4 1 B Tree introduction, properties and insertion operation
2023-10-17 ClassLecture 4 1 Bucket sort algorithm, analysis and it's execution
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 4 1 Counting sort algorithm ,analysis and it's execution
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 4 1 Counting sort algorithm ,analysis and it's execution
2023-10-14 ClassLecture 1 1 Theorem to find height of tree and radix sort algorithm
2023-10-13 ClassLecture 1 1 Heap sort algorithm analysis and it's execution
2023-10-12 ClassLecture 1 1 Quick Sort algorithm, analysis and it's execution
2023-10-11 ClassLecture 1 1 Merge sort algorithm execution and it's analysis
2023-10-11 Lab 7 1 Insertion Sorting Program and it's execution
2023-10-10 ClassLecture 1 1 SelectionSort algorithm and insertion sort algorithm and it's execution
2023-10-09 ClassLecture 1 1 Recursion tree method based numericals
2023-10-07 ClassLecture 1 1 Iteration and Recursion tree method
2023-10-05 ClassLecture 1 1 Iteration method based numericals
2023-10-04 ClassLecture 1 1 Substitution Method based numericals
2023-10-03 ClassLecture 1 1 Recurrences - Master's method numericals
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 1 1 Growth of Functions
2023-09-27 ClassLecture 3 1 Introduction to algorithms