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KCS501 | 6 Lectures
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CS | 5thSem
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Summary of Lectures of Database Management System

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Lab Total
1 22 1 23
2 18 0 18
3 13 1 14
4 11 0 11
5 0 0 0
Total 64 2 66

Lectures taken in Database Management System

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 4 3 Consetion control algorithm and types of algorithms
2024-04-04 ClassLecture 1 2 Virtualization in hypervisor
2023-12-28 ClassLecture 2 4 Recoverability or irrecoverability
2023-12-27 ClassLecture 2 4 View serializibility question and difference
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 2 4 Conflict serializibility question
2023-12-23 ClassLecture 2 4 Conflict serializibility schedule
2023-12-22 ClassLecture 2 4 Conflict serializibility
2023-12-21 ClassLecture 2 4 Serializibility in DBMS
2023-12-17 ClassLecture 2 4 Transaction state diagram
2023-12-16 ClassLecture 2 4 Transaction state diagram and terms
2023-12-15 ClassLecture 2 3 Rivision normalisation question
2023-12-13 ClassLecture 2 4 Transaction state diagram
2023-12-12 ClassLecture 2 4 Acid properties
2023-12-11 ClassLecture 2 4 Transaction atomicity
2023-12-07 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL questions with query
2023-12-06 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL join and subqueries
2023-12-05 ClassLecture 5 2 SQL subqueries
2023-12-04 ClassLecture 5 2 SQL queries and nested query
2023-12-02 ClassLecture 1 2 SQL queries and constraints
2023-12-02 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL queries and constraints
2023-12-01 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL queries and constraints
2023-11-30 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL queries create table, drop ,alter table,delete table
2023-11-29 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL queries create table
2023-11-28 ClassLecture 2 2 SQL queries create table
2023-11-27 ClassLecture 2 2 Procedural and non procedural queries
2023-11-25 ClassLecture 2 2 Relational algebra and calculus
2023-11-24 ClassLecture 2 2 Outer join types in relational algebra
2023-11-24 ClassLecture 7 2 Relational algebra topic rivision
2023-11-23 ClassLecture 2 2 Join operation natural join
2023-11-22 ClassLecture 2 2 Relational algebra
2023-11-21 ClassLecture 2 2 Rational database model topic relational algebra
2023-11-20 ClassLecture 2 3 Minimal cover by using axiom rule
2023-11-09 ClassLecture 2 3 Lossy and lossless join decomposition and preserving technique with question
2023-11-08 ClassLecture 2 3 Lossless join decomposition and preserving technique
2023-11-07 ClassLecture 2 3 Lossless join decomposition
2023-11-06 ClassLecture 2 3 Normal form question
2023-11-04 ClassLecture 2 3 2 nf and 3 nf question practice
2023-11-03 ClassLecture 2 3 Normal form functionality
2023-11-02 ClassLecture 2 3 Normal form functionality 2nf
2023-11-01 ClassLecture 2 3 What is Normalisation
2023-10-31 ClassLecture 2 3 Functional dependency and MVD dependency
2023-10-30 ClassLecture 2 3 Functional dependency
2023-10-30 Lab 7 3 Functional dependency
2023-10-23 ClassLecture 2 1 Rivision unit 1
2023-10-21 ClassLecture 2 1 Super key in database management
2023-10-20 ClassLecture 2 1 Find the how many super keys in relation table
2023-10-19 ClassLecture 2 1 Entity relationship model mapping how many minimum table are required
2023-10-18 ClassLecture 2 1 Practice questions keys candidate key
2023-10-17 ClassLecture 2 1 How to find candidate keys
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 2 1 Keys in DBMS and find the candidate key
2023-10-14 ClassLecture 2 1 Types of joins in DBMS
2023-10-13 ClassLecture 2 1 Types of Keys in DBMS
2023-10-12 ClassLecture 2 1 Degree of relationship, Mapping of Cardinalities
2023-10-11 ClassLecture 2 1 ER Model, Entity, Entity set, Attributes, Attributes types, Relationships
2023-10-10 ClassLecture 2 1 DCL, TCL Command
2023-10-10 Lab 7 1 Entity relationship Model
2023-10-09 ClassLecture 2 1 Database Language
2023-10-07 ClassLecture 2 1 Instance, Data Independence
2023-10-06 ClassLecture 2 1 Database Schema
2023-10-05 ClassLecture 2 1 Database Model, Types of Database Model
2023-10-04 ClassLecture 3 1 Client Server Architecture
2023-10-03 ClassLecture 3 1 DBMS Architecture, 1 tier, 2 tier, 3 tier Architecture
2023-09-30 ClassLecture 3 1 Entity, Attribute, Types of Attribute
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 3 1 File System vs DBMS, Types of Database
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 2 1 Artificial neuron and it's model
2023-09-25 ClassLecture 3 1 Client Server Architecture