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KCS052 | 6 Lectures
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CS | 5thSem
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Summary of Lectures of Web Designing

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Class_Test_Assignment ClassPPT Lab Total
1 12 1 1 0 14
2 9 0 0 2 11
3 9 1 1 3 14
4 9 0 0 1 10
5 3 0 0 0 3
Total 42 2 2 6 52

Lectures taken in Web Designing

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2023-12-27 ClassLecture 6 5 Cpanel and FTTP client
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 6 5 Define SEO and Importance of SEO
2023-12-23 ClassLecture 6 5 Introduction of unit-5
2023-12-22 ClassLecture 6 4 Dynamic HTML with javascript
2023-12-21 ClassLecture 6 4 Dynamic HTML with javascript
2023-12-14 ClassLecture 6 4 define Error Handling
2023-12-13 ClassLecture 4 4 Error Handling in JS
2023-12-12 Lab 4 4 Control flow in JS
2023-12-11 ClassLecture 4 4 Define Control statements
2023-12-06 ClassLecture 6 4 Script with switch case
2023-12-05 ClassLecture 6 4 Array in Java script
2023-12-04 Class_Test_Assignment 6 3 Class Test of Unit-3
2023-12-02 ClassLecture 6 4 Java Variable and Objects
2023-12-01 ClassLecture 6 3 Introduction to Javascript
2023-11-30 ClassLecture 6 4 Introduction to Javascript
2023-11-29 Lab 6 3 Create Page HTML with CSS
2023-11-28 ClassLecture 6 3 Define CSS Margin
2023-11-27 ClassPPT 6 3 Define CSS Properties
2023-11-25 Lab 6 3 Create Page HTML with CSS
2023-11-24 ClassLecture 6 3 Define CSS Box Model
2023-11-23 Lab 6 3 CSS Lists and color properties
2023-11-22 ClassLecture 6 3 CSS Lists and color properties
2023-11-21 ClassLecture 6 3 CSS color property and background
2023-11-20 ClassLecture 6 3 CSS color property
2023-11-07 ClassLecture 6 3 How to Add CSS in HTML
2023-11-06 ClassLecture 6 3 Create style sheet
2023-11-04 ClassLecture 6 3 Introduction of CSS
2023-11-03 Lab 6 2 Questions based on HTML
2023-11-02 Lab 6 2 Lab solve questions based on HTML tags
2023-10-31 ClassPPT 6 1 Website & Types of websites
2023-10-30 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML forms and controls
2023-10-21 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML Multimedia
2023-10-20 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML Frame and HTML Images
2023-10-19 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML Hyperlinks
2023-10-17 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML Hyperlinks
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 6 2 Discuss Frame In HTML
2023-10-14 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML TABLES AND FRAMES
2023-10-12 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML LISTS and HTML Tables
2023-10-11 Class_Test_Assignment 6 1 Assignment and Test-1
2023-10-10 ClassLecture 6 2 HTML Lists and Types
2023-10-09 ClassLecture 6 1 HTML Elements & Types
2023-10-07 ClassLecture 6 1 Revision of Unit-1
2023-10-06 ClassLecture 6 1 Creating a HTML documents
2023-10-05 ClassLecture 6 1 Introduction to HTML
2023-10-04 ClassLecture 4 1 Types of web Hosting and Responsive web design
2023-10-03 ClassLecture 4 1 Define Web hosting
2023-09-30 ClassLecture 4 1 About the Domain Name
2023-09-30 ClassLecture 2 1 Distributed Bus Arbitration
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 4 1 Website development Planning Process
2023-09-27 ClassLecture 4 1 Basic Principles involved in web designing
2023-09-26 ClassLecture 4 1 Basic Principles involved in web designing
2023-09-25 ClassLecture 4 1 Introduction of web designing