Code| Weekly
KCS058 | 6 Lectures
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CS | 5thSem
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Summary of Lectures of Human Computer Interface

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture ClassPPT Total
1 17 1 18
2 8 0 8
3 13 0 13
4 11 0 11
5 0 0 0
Total 49 1 50

Lectures taken in Human Computer Interface

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2023-12-21 ClassLecture 3 4 All students have attended the seminar today.
2023-12-18 ClassLecture 3 4 Window Operation in Hci
2023-12-16 ClassLecture 3 4 Organize window function
2023-12-15 ClassLecture 3 4 Window Management
2023-12-14 ClassLecture 3 4 Constraint in Window System Design
2023-12-13 ClassLecture 3 4 Constraint in window system design
2023-12-12 ClassLecture 3 4 Website Navigation
2023-12-11 ClassLecture 3 4 Website Navigation
2023-12-06 ClassLecture 3 3 Selection of device based and screen based control
2023-12-05 ClassLecture 3 4 Select the proper kind of windows
2023-12-04 ClassLecture 3 4 Windows in operating system
2023-12-02 ClassLecture 3 4 Windows in human computer interaction
2023-12-01 ClassLecture 3 3 Technical Consideration
2023-11-30 ClassLecture 3 3 Information entry & modification
2023-11-29 ClassLecture 3 3 Intranet and extranet
2023-11-28 ClassLecture 3 3 How information is presented simply
2023-11-27 ClassLecture 3 3 Technique use to provide emphasis
2023-11-25 ClassLecture 3 3 Perceptual principle use to aid screen function grouping
2023-11-24 ClassLecture 3 3 Screen Navigation & Flow
2023-11-23 ClassLecture 3 3 Amount of information
2023-11-22 ClassLecture 3 3 Screen Navigation & Flow, Visually Pleasing Composition
2023-11-21 ClassLecture 3 3 Screen Design, Ordering of screen data and content
2023-11-20 ClassLecture 3 3 Revision class of HCI
2023-11-08 ClassLecture 3 3 Screen design in HCi
2023-11-07 ClassLecture 3 2 Screen Designing
2023-11-06 ClassLecture 3 2 Interface design goals, Screen Meaning & Purpose, Organizing Screen Elements Clearly & Meaningfully
2023-11-04 ClassLecture 3 2 Understanding Business Junction
2023-11-03 ClassLecture 3 2 Human Interaction with computer, Responses to poor design, People & their tasks
2023-11-02 ClassLecture 3 2 Usability, Common Usability Problems, Designing for people: The five commandments
2023-11-01 ClassLecture 3 2 Obstacle and pitfalls in development path,Common pitfalls
2023-10-31 ClassLecture 3 2 Important human characteristics in design
2023-10-30 ClassLecture 3 2 Human Interaction Speeds
2023-10-23 ClassLecture 3 1 Assignment questions
2023-10-22 ClassLecture 3 1 Screen design and importance
2023-10-21 ClassLecture 3 1 Concept of direct manipulation, graphical system, web user interface, popularity
2023-10-20 ClassLecture 3 1 Graphic User interface, Popularity of graphics
2023-10-19 ClassLecture 3 1 Input output channels
2023-10-18 ClassLecture 3 1 Introduction, goals of HCI, Factors of HCI
2023-10-17 ClassLecture 3 1 Importance of user interface
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 3 1 Screen, Organize/Screen Elements
2023-10-14 ClassLecture 3 1 A brief history of screen design
2023-10-13 ClassLecture 3 1 Importance of good design in HCI
2023-10-12 ClassLecture 3 1 Principle of HCI
2023-10-11 ClassLecture 2 1 Introduction of HCI
2023-10-10 ClassLecture 2 1 Introduction of HCI
2023-10-06 ClassPPT 3 1 Introduction to HCI
2023-10-04 ClassLecture 2 1 Activation Function
2023-10-03 ClassLecture 2 1 Classification of Artificial Neural Network
2023-09-30 ClassLecture 2 1 Types of Activation function
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 2 1 Artificial neuron and it's model