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KCS502  | 6 Lectures
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CS | 5thSem
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Summary of Lectures of Compiler Design

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Lab Total
1 12 1 13
2 15 0 15
3 11 0 11
4 7 0 7
5 2 0 2
Total 47 1 48

Lectures taken in Compiler Design

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2023-12-28 ClassLecture 1 5 Dag representation questions
2023-12-27 ClassLecture 1 5 Code optimization techniques
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 1 4 Call by value and call by reference
2023-12-23 ClassLecture 1 4 Lexical scope and dynamic scope
2023-12-22 ClassLecture 1 4 Runtime administration
2023-12-21 ClassLecture 1 4 Scope of symbol table
2023-12-17 ClassLecture 1 4 Three address code and dag representation
2023-12-16 ClassLecture 1 4 Three address code types and data
2023-12-15 ClassLecture 1 4 Symbol table in data structure
2023-12-07 ClassLecture 1 3 Three address code question switch case example
2023-12-06 ClassLecture 1 3 Three address code switch and if else statement
2023-12-05 ClassLecture 1 3 Three address code if else statment
2023-12-04 ClassLecture 1 3 Three address code types indirect triple
2023-12-02 ClassLecture 1 3 Triple, quadruple notation
2023-12-01 ClassLecture 1 3 Three address code types
2023-11-30 ClassLecture 1 3 Three address code generation
2023-11-29 ClassLecture 1 3 Intermediate code generation
2023-11-28 ClassLecture 1 3 Syntax directed translation example
2023-11-27 ClassLecture 1 3 Syntax directed translation
2023-11-25 ClassLecture 1 2 Rivision of unit 2
2023-11-24 ClassLecture 1 2 Predictive parser
2023-11-23 ClassLecture 1 2 Operator preceded parser
2023-11-22 ClassLecture 1 2 Lalr(1) parser using parsing table
2023-11-21 ClassLecture 1 2 Clr(1) parser using parsing table
2023-11-20 ClassLecture 1 2 CLR(1) parser and using parsing table
2023-11-09 ClassLecture 1 2 SLR(1) Parser using parsing table
2023-11-08 ClassLecture 1 2 LR(0) parser and using parse table
2023-11-07 ClassLecture 1 2 LL(1) parser example
2023-11-06 ClassLecture 1 2 LL(1) parser question
2023-11-04 ClassLecture 1 2 LL(1) parsing table construction
2023-11-03 ClassLecture 1 2 first and. Follow in parser
2023-11-02 ClassLecture 1 3 First and follow in LL(1) parser
2023-11-01 ClassLecture 1 2 LL(1) parser first and follow
2023-10-31 ClassLecture 1 2 Top down parser and bottom up parser
2023-10-30 ClassLecture 1 2 Semantic analysis
2023-10-23 ClassLecture 1 1 Lex and yacc and CFG grammar
2023-10-21 ClassLecture 1 1 Regular to DFA and DFA to regular
2023-10-20 ClassLecture 1 1 Cross compiler and DFA and nfa different b/w DFA and nfa
2023-10-19 ClassLecture 1 1 Find the how many token of lexical analyzer
2023-10-18 ClassLecture 1 1 What is lexical analysis and how to convert in stream of token
2023-10-17 ClassLecture 1 1 We discussed different phases of compiler
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 1 1 What is compiler what are the phase discuss
2023-10-11 ClassLecture 4 1 Revision of phases of Compiler and language processing system
2023-10-07 ClassLecture 4 1 Introduction to compiler
2023-10-06 ClassLecture 4 1 Introduction compiler, phases of compiler
2023-10-05 ClassLecture 4 1 Introduction of compiler
2023-10-05 Lab 7 1 Introduction of Compiler Design
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 2 1 Artificial neuron and it's model