Code| Weekly
KMBN102 | 3 Lectures
Faculty Name
MBA | 1stSem
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Summary of Lectures of Managerial Economics

Units / Lecture Types Substituion ClassLecture OnlineClass Total
1 1 4 0 5
2 0 6 1 7
3 0 5 1 6
4 0 11 2 13
5 0 3 0 3
Total 1 29 4 34

Lectures taken in Managerial Economics

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-02-26 ClassLecture 4 4 Flow of income
2024-02-01 ClassLecture 4 5 Concepts of National income, and it's importance
2024-01-31 ClassLecture 4 5 Methods of measuring national income
2024-01-30 ClassLecture 4 5 National Income
2024-01-29 ClassLecture 4 4 Cartels and price leadership
2024-01-17 ClassLecture 6 4 Cartels in Oligopoly
2024-01-12 OnlineClass 8 4 Oligopoly and it's characteristics
2024-01-10 ClassLecture 4 4 Product differentiation, monopolistic market
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 4 4 Price discrimination
2023-12-08 OnlineClass 8 4 Features of Monopoly and it's output and price determination
2023-12-06 ClassLecture 4 4 Monopoly definition
2023-12-05 ClassLecture 4 4 Price and output determination under perfect Competition
2023-12-04 ClassLecture 4 4 Price and output determination under very short run
2023-11-29 ClassLecture 4 4 Perfect Competition
2023-11-28 ClassLecture 4 4 Market structure
2023-11-27 ClassLecture 4 4 Market and it's characteristics
2023-11-22 ClassLecture 4 3 Revenue and it's types
2023-11-21 ClassLecture 4 3 Law of return to scale, cost concept
2023-11-20 ClassLecture 4 3 Law of variable proportion.
2023-11-08 ClassLecture 4 3 Laws of production, law of diminishing returns
2023-11-07 ClassLecture 4 3 Production Function
2023-11-03 OnlineClass 8 3 Production, Function, assumptions and Types
2023-11-01 ClassLecture 4 2 Law of supply, assumptions, elasticity of supply.
2023-10-31 ClassLecture 4 2 Methods of demand Forecasting, Supply and it's determinants.
2023-10-30 ClassLecture 4 2 Cross Elasticity, Advertising elasticity of demand, demand Forecasting and it's Relevance.
2023-10-27 OnlineClass 8 2 Shift in demand curve, elasticity of demand, price elasticity
2023-10-18 ClassLecture 4 2 Determinants of Demand, Demand Function and revision
2023-10-17 ClassLecture 4 2 Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Types of Demand Schedule
2023-10-16 ClassLecture 4 2 Theory of Demand, Types of Demand
2023-09-30 ClassLecture 2 1 Scope of managerial economics
2023-09-29 ClassLecture 2 1 nature ,scope ,limitation of managerial eco
2023-09-22 ClassLecture 2 1 Problems of economic org
2023-09-21 ClassLecture 2 1 Def managerial economics
2023-09-20 Substituion 5 1 Noopur Pal Management : meaning ,def