Code| Weekly
202 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Varsha Siddhartha
BBA | 2nd Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Summary of Lectures of  Micro Economics for business

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture ClassPPT Class_Test_Assignment Lab Total
1 20 2 1 0 23
2 9 2 0 0 11
3 7 3 1 0 11
4 13 1 0 1 15
5 5 0 0 0 5
Total 54 8 2 1 65

Lectures taken in  Micro Economics for business

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-03-20 ClassLecture 2 5 Revision of unit-5
2024-03-19 ClassLecture 2 5 Revision of unit-5
2024-03-16 Lab 2 4 Project work of management
2024-03-15 ClassLecture 2 5 Revision of unit-5
2024-03-14 ClassLecture 2 4 Revision of unit-4
2024-03-13 ClassLecture 2 3 Revision of unit-3
2024-03-12 ClassLecture 2 5 Revision of unit-5
2024-03-11 ClassLecture 2 4 Revision of unit-4
2024-03-09 ClassLecture 2 4 Revision of unit -4
2024-03-06 ClassLecture 2 2 Revision of unit -2
2024-03-05 ClassLecture 2 4 Revision of unit -4
2024-03-04 ClassLecture 2 5 revision of unit-5
2024-03-02 ClassLecture 2 1 Revision unit -1
2024-03-01 ClassPPT 2 1 ppt presentation
2024-02-29 ClassLecture 2 1 Revision of unit 1
2024-02-27 ClassLecture 2 1 Revision of unit -1
2024-02-24 ClassLecture 1 4 Theories of profits and it's evaluations
2024-02-23 ClassLecture 1 4 Theories of profits: risk bearing theory of profit, uncertainty bearing theory of profit and innovation theory of profit
2024-02-21 ClassLecture 1 4 Theories of wages : wages fund theory, subsistence theory and residual claimant theory.
2024-02-20 ClassLecture 1 4 Type's of wages , concept of wages, on the based of real and money wages . And it's differences
2024-02-20 ClassLecture 7 4 Theories of wages : wages fund theory, subsistence theory and residual claimant theory.
2024-02-14 ClassLecture 1 4 Determinants of rent, concept of wages and it's types
2024-02-13 ClassLecture 1 4 Rent: types of rents, modern theory of rent, determinants of rent.
2024-02-13 ClassPPT 7 4 Determinants of rent on the basis of demand for land and supply.
2024-02-12 ClassLecture 1 4 The theory of distribution, it's two aspects ,classical theory of distribution,and marginal productivity theory of distribution
2024-02-12 ClassLecture 6 4 Classical theory of distribution,marginal productivity theory of distribution,rent
2024-02-10 ClassPPT 1 3 Revision of unit-3 nd discussion all the doubts of students
2024-02-09 Class_Test_Assignment 1 3 Revision of unit-1 , revision of unit-2 and discussion all the doubts.
2024-02-08 ClassLecture 1 3 Discussion all the doubts of the students. Revision of unit-3
2024-02-07 ClassLecture 1 3 Monopolistic competition, price determination under Monopolistic competition with short run and long run equilibrium
2024-02-06 ClassPPT 1 3 Monopoly ,Monopolistic competition, and it's features.amd price determination under Monopolistic competition
2024-02-06 ClassLecture 7 3 Price determination under Monopolistic competition i.e in short run equilibrium period and lond run equilibrium period
2024-02-05 ClassLecture 1 3 Various reasons for emergence of monopoly, determination of price under monopoly
2024-02-03 ClassLecture 1 3 Equilibrium of the firm under the perfect competition and it's conditions , monopoly and it's features
2024-02-02 ClassPPT 1 3 Relationship between AR and MR when price fall with rise in output, perfect competition market and its features, equilibrium of industry under perfect competition.
2024-02-01 ClassLecture 1 3 Revenue i.e concept of revenue- total, average nd marginal revenue, relationship between AR and MR
2024-01-30 ClassLecture 1 2 Average variable cost with table and curve, average total cost ,with phases and marginal cost
2024-01-30 ClassPPT 7 2 Relationship between AVc and MC , between AC and AVC and MC , between AC and AVC , between TC and MC , between TVC and MC
2024-01-29 ClassLecture 1 2 Total cost with the help table and curve , average cost , how to calculate it , average fixed cost with table and graph
2024-01-27 ClassLecture 1 2 Meaning of cost, explicit cost, implicit cost and short run cost - variable cost and fixed cost with the help of table and curve
2024-01-25 ClassLecture 1 2 Law of supply , with examples, graph and table and exception of law of supply
2024-01-24 ClassLecture 1 2 Supply , some special features of supply and determinants of individual supply and market supply.
2024-01-20 ClassLecture 1 2 Importance facts about law of demand, reasons for the law of demand , exceptions of the law of demand
2024-01-20 ClassLecture 7 2 Exceptions to law of demand and basic concept of supply
2024-01-19 ClassPPT 1 2 Change in quantity demand vs change in demand , determinants of market demand , law of demand and it's assumption
2024-01-18 ClassLecture 1 2 Theory of demand: concept of demand ...on the basis of individual and market ....and determinants also
2024-01-13 Class_Test_Assignment 1 1 Class test based on MCQ unit-1
2024-01-12 ClassLecture 1 1 Consumer surplus with examples ,tables and graph and numerals also
2024-01-11 ClassLecture 1 1 Law of equi marginal utility with tables and graph , with examples
2024-01-10 ClassLecture 1 1 Law of diminishing marginal utility and law of equimarginal utility
2024-01-09 ClassLecture 1 1 Law of diminishing marginal utility with graph and table
2024-01-08 ClassLecture 1 1 Positive utility,negative utility and zero utility with graph
2024-01-03 ClassPPT 1 1 Revision of topics till cover and concept of utility and how to measure utility.
2024-01-01 ClassLecture 1 1 Revision of unit-1 topics till covered now.
2023-12-30 ClassLecture 1 1 Concept of utility,meaning of utility and how to measure utility
2023-12-30 ClassLecture 7 1 How to measure utility with examples utility
2023-12-29 ClassLecture 1 1 Scope of the micro- economics i.e theory of product pricing, theory of factor pricing and theory of economic welfare
2023-12-28 ClassLecture 1 1 Importance of the micro economics i.e price determination, working of a free market economy and foreign trade etc
2023-12-27 ClassLecture 1 1 Central problems of economy i.e what to produce (how much to produce)
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 1 1 Central problems of economy: what to produce? How to produce? And for whom to produce?
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 7 1 Nature of micro economics i.e supply and demand, pricing and research and promotion
2023-12-20 ClassLecture 1 1 Micro economics concept and difference between micro and macro
2023-12-19 ClassLecture 1 1 What is economy? Why study economics? And economic problems
2023-12-19 ClassLecture 7 1 Reasons for economic problems: scarcity of resources, unlimited human wants and alternative uses of resources
2023-12-18 ClassLecture 1 1 Overview of the subject