Code| Weekly
KNC602 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Devanshi Bajpai
Civil | 6th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
Subject Material in Blob
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations


Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture ClassPPT Total
1 12 0 12
2 10 0 10
3 11 0 11
4 4 2 6
5 3 0 3
Total 40 2 42


LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-05-28 ClassLecture 1 5 Coins,seals ,sculpture dance and music in ancient india
2024-05-28 ClassLecture 5 5 Puppet art ,paintings , drama ,theater and indian cinemas
2024-05-27 ClassLecture 6 5 Indian architecture ,cave, temple pillar and stupa architecture .
2024-05-23 ClassLecture 6 4 Trade in india during mauryan empire gupta empire
2024-05-22 ClassLecture 6 4 Textile technology and pyrotechnics in india
2024-05-21 ClassLecture 6 4 Agriculture ,biology ,medicine in india .. harappan technology
2024-05-20 ClassPPT 1 4 Chemistry in ancient india... glass bricks jewel making in ancient india
2024-05-20 ClassPPT 6 4 Mathematics ,physics and geography in ancient india
2024-05-18 ClassLecture 6 4 Astronomy in india.. theories of aryabhatta
2024-05-17 ClassLecture 6 3 Socio religious reforms of 19th century ie. Brahmo samaj ,arya samaj,ramjrishna mission aligarh movemnet ,deoband movement etc
2024-05-06 ClassLecture 6 3 Sufi movement in india, lifestyle of sufi saints ..
2024-05-03 ClassLecture 6 3 Rise of sufism in india
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 6 3 Bhakti movement in india.. its significance ,impact on indian society
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 6 3 Heterodox philosphies of religious beliefs
2024-04-30 ClassLecture 6 3 Differences and similarities of buddhism and jainism
2024-04-29 ClassLecture 6 3 Six systems of indian philosphy.. samanc system.. bhakti movement
2024-04-26 ClassLecture 6 3 Jainism .. five vows of jainisms .. types of jain
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 6 3 Buddhism .. history of buddhism .. fourfoldpaths
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 2 1 Classification of liquid crystals .. thermotropic liquid crystals and its types .. smectic ,nmectic ,cholestric and discotic
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 1 3 Vedic culture , early vedic period and post vedic period political condition ,women status and social issues
2024-04-23 ClassLecture 6 3 Hindi and urdu literature .. introduction to vedic lecture
2024-04-20 ClassLecture 6 2 Brahmi language ,persion and urdu literature
2024-04-18 ClassLecture 6 2 Sanskrit literature and sanskrit literature related to science and tech and introduction to dravidian literature
2024-04-16 ClassLecture 6 2 Teachings of Ramayan and Mahabharat
2024-04-09 ClassLecture 6 2 Puranas origin, types of puran
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 1 1 Revision of unit 1 and 2
2024-04-05 ClassLecture 6 2 Features of MAHABHARATA
2024-04-04 ClassLecture 6 2 Upnishads , basics of ramayan and mahabharat
2024-04-03 ClassLecture 6 2 Atharva veda features
2024-04-02 ClassLecture 1 2 Rigveda description . Features of rigveda
2024-04-02 ClassLecture 6 2 Samaveda and yajurveda details and features
2024-04-01 ClassLecture 6 2 Scripts in ancient india indus script and brahmi script . The vedas
2024-03-20 ClassLecture 6 1 Revision of unit 1
2024-03-19 ClassLecture 6 1 Slavery system in ancient indian
2024-03-18 ClassLecture 6 1 4 stages of life ashramas of life , life of women in vedic period and post vedic period
2024-03-15 ClassLecture 6 1 Society in ancient india , four purusharthas and four varnashrama
2024-03-14 ClassLecture 6 1 Welfare of society and saptanga theory of state
2024-03-13 ClassLecture 6 6 Political ideas in ancient india
2024-03-11 ClassLecture 6 1 Council of ministers and administration in mauryan empire
2024-03-05 ClassLecture 6 1 Mystical theory and contract theory
2024-03-01 ClassLecture 6 1 Evolutionary theory and force theory
2024-02-28 ClassLecture 6 1 State in ancient india . Evolution of state and origin of states
2024-02-26 ClassLecture 6 1 Introduction to indian tradition culture and society