Code| Weekly
KAG603 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Shalini Tiwari
AG | 6th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Post Harvest Engineering of Cereals, Pulses & Oil Seeds

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Class_Test_Assignment ClassPPT VirtualLab Total
1 16 1 1 3 21
2 13 1 1 1 16
3 10 1 1 1 13
4 7 0 0 0 7
5 7 0 0 0 7
Total 53 3 3 5 64

Lectures taken in Post Harvest Engineering of Cereals, Pulses & Oil Seeds

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-05-29 ClassLecture 3 5 WET AND DRY MILLING
2024-05-27 ClassLecture 3 5 Corn composition and milling
2024-05-27 ClassLecture 3 5 Corn composition and milling
2024-05-24 ClassLecture 3 5 Parboiling techniques.
2024-05-23 ClassLecture 3 5 traditional and modern methods of milling,
2024-05-22 ClassLecture 3 5 milling of paddy basic concepts
2024-05-21 ClassLecture 3 5 Paddy milling process
2024-05-20 ClassLecture 3 4 flour milling and by products
2024-05-18 ClassLecture 4 4 Turbo grinding and air-classification,
2024-05-16 ClassLecture 3 4 Flour milling process
2024-05-09 ClassPPT 3 3 Ppt based on module 3
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 3 4 products and by-products,
2024-05-03 ClassLecture 3 4 Wheat milling- basic concepts
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 3 4 processing of wheat grain
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 3 4 Processing of Wheat
2024-04-30 Class_Test_Assignment 3 3 assignment checking
2024-04-29 ClassLecture 3 3 Utilization of de-oiled cake
2024-04-27 ClassLecture 3 3 hydrogenation process
2024-04-26 ClassLecture 3 3 oil rifining proces
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 3 3 Factors affecting milling of pulses,
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 3 3 Oilseeds Processing for Oil Extraction
2024-04-23 Class_Test_Assignment 3 2 class test of unit 2
2024-04-23 VirtualLab 7 1 Measurement of moisture content: dry basis and wet basis,
2024-04-20 ClassPPT 3 2 class ppt of module -2
2024-04-19 ClassLecture 3 3 Solvent extraction methods of oil e
2024-04-19 VirtualLab 7 1 Determination of EMC (Static and dynamic method),
2024-04-18 ClassLecture 3 3 Pulse based processed products
2024-04-16 ClassLecture 3 3 Factors affecting milling of pulses
2024-04-15 ClassLecture 3 3 Pretreatment of pulses
2024-04-13 ClassLecture 5 3 Legumes Processing
2024-04-12 ClassLecture 5 2 size reduction and principle
2024-04-10 ClassLecture 3 2 Types of seperator
2024-04-09 ClassLecture 3 2 magnetic and color seperator
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 3 2 shape graders and spiral separator
2024-04-06 ClassLecture 3 2 pneumatic and cyclone separator
2024-04-04 ClassLecture 3 2 spiral and gravity separator
2024-04-03 ClassLecture 3 2 Intendent cylinder seperator
2024-04-02 ClassLecture 3 2 Theory of seperation
2024-04-02 VirtualLab 7 1 Different types of cleaner and separator
2024-04-01 ClassLecture 3 2 Mechanism of size seperation
2024-03-20 ClassLecture 3 2 separators and its advantages
2024-03-19 ClassPPT 3 1 Ppt based on unit-1
2024-03-19 VirtualLab 7 3 Study on drying characteristics of grains and determination of drying constant,
2024-03-18 ClassLecture 3 2 Kick’s law, Rittinger’s law
2024-03-16 ClassLecture 3 2 capacity and effectiveness of screens
2024-03-15 ClassLecture 3 1 Thin layer Drying, Deep bed Drying,
2024-03-14 Class_Test_Assignment 3 1 assignment based on unit and revision
2024-03-13 ClassLecture 3 2 screens, sieve analysis
2024-03-12 ClassLecture 3 1 industrial visit
2024-03-11 ClassLecture 3 1 Drying methods: Traditional &Mechanical drying,
2024-03-09 ClassLecture 3 1 EMC models, Hysteresis effects
2024-03-07 ClassLecture 3 1 EMC models and its importance
2024-03-06 ClassLecture 3 1 EMC: its importance, Determination methods
2024-03-05 ClassLecture 3 1 methods: direct and indirect methods,
2024-03-05 VirtualLab 7 2 Study of different types of mixers.
2024-03-04 ClassLecture 3 1 method of determination of EMC
2024-03-02 ClassLecture 3 1 M.C. determination
2024-03-01 ClassLecture 3 1 Drying: moisture and its removal,
2024-02-29 ClassLecture 3 1 grading, aspiration, scalping
2024-02-28 ClassLecture 3 1 Applications of unit operations and principles in cleaning
2024-02-27 ClassLecture 3 1 structure of cereals ,pulses and oil seeds
2024-02-26 ClassLecture 3 1 structure and chemical composition of cereals,
2024-02-23 ClassLecture 3 1 introduction of post harvest
2024-02-22 ClassLecture 3 1 introduction of unit 1