Code| Weekly
| 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Kapil Kumar
Civil | 4th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Summary of Lectures of Highway Engineering

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture VirtualLab Total
1 11 0 11
2 14 1 15
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
Total 25 1 26

Lectures taken in Highway Engineering

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 2 2 Stabilization of subgrade. Types of stabilization mechanical stabilization
2024-05-06 VirtualLab 2 2 Impact value test, CBR Test, Crushing Value Test
2024-05-03 ClassLecture 2 2 equipment used for subgrade preparation
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 2 2 gradient and alignment as per recommendations of IRC
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 2 2 compaction, preparation of subgrade
2024-04-30 ClassLecture 2 2 Borrow pits, making profiles of embankment
2024-04-29 ClassLecture 2 2 typical cross-sections, functions of various components
2024-04-27 ClassLecture 2 2 Road pavement Flexible and rigid pavement
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 2 2 Use of recycled materials in pavements
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 2 2 cut back and emulsion
2024-04-23 ClassLecture 2 2 softening point test on bitumen
2024-04-22 ClassLecture 2 2 Binders: Common binders; bitumen
2024-04-20 ClassLecture 2 2 Impact value test
2024-04-19 ClassLecture 2 2 California bearing ratio test for soil
2024-04-18 ClassLecture 2 2 Introduction of Road materials, soil, ballast, bitumen, cement
2024-04-16 ClassLecture 2 1 Marking of alignment on ground
2024-04-15 ClassLecture 2 1 setting out alignment of road
2024-04-13 ClassLecture 2 1 control pegs for embankment and cutting
2024-04-12 ClassLecture 2 1 Basic considerations governing alignment for a road
2024-04-10 ClassLecture 2 1 Sketch of typical L-section and X-section in cutting Sketch of typical L-section and X-section in cutting Sketch of typical L-section and X-section in cutting
2024-04-09 ClassLecture 2 1 Sketch of typical L-section and X-section in filling
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 2 1 Necessity of curves, horizontal and vertical curves
2024-04-05 ClassLecture 1 1 History of road development
2024-04-04 ClassLecture 2 1 formation width, road margin, road shoulder
2024-04-03 ClassLecture 2 1 carriage way, side slopes, kerbs
2024-03-13 ClassLecture 2 1 Introduction of Highway Engineering