Code| Weekly
BEE401 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Vedansh Agrawal
EN | 4th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Digital Electronics

Units / Lecture Types OnlineClass ClassLecture Lab Class_Test_Assignment Total
1 1 13 3 1 18
2 0 5 0 0 5
3 0 11 0 0 11
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 29 3 1 34

Lectures taken in Digital Electronics

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-07-01 ClassLecture 6 3 Modules, ring counter
2024-07-01 Class_Test_Assignment 7 1 Conversion of numbers
2024-06-27 ClassLecture 6 3 synchronous up counter
2024-06-27 ClassLecture 7 3 Synchronous down counter
2024-06-18 ClassLecture 3 3 Asynchronous counter
2024-06-14 ClassLecture 6 3 Types of register
2024-06-13 ClassLecture 6 3 4 bit SISO registor
2024-06-13 Lab 7 1 Implementation of logic gates
2024-06-12 ClassLecture 6 3 Conversion of flip flop
2024-06-10 ClassLecture 6 3 T and D flip flop
2024-06-10 ClassLecture 7 3 Conversion of flip flop
2024-06-08 ClassLecture 6 3 S r flip flop nand
2024-06-07 ClassLecture 6 3 S R nor and nand LATCH
2024-06-06 ClassLecture 6 2 Barrel shiffter
2024-06-06 Lab 7 1 Implementation of gate
2024-06-05 ClassLecture 6 2 Muĺtiplexer and demultiplexer
2024-06-04 ClassLecture 6 2 Encoder and comparator
2024-06-03 ClassLecture 6 2 Half and full subtrator
2024-06-03 ClassLecture 7 2 Decoder circuit
2024-05-28 ClassLecture 6 1 Tabular method
2024-05-24 ClassLecture 6 1 Don't care conditions
2024-05-23 ClassLecture 6 1 4 variable k map
2024-05-23 Lab 7 1 Introduction of ICs
2024-05-22 ClassLecture 6 1 3 variable kmap
2024-05-21 ClassLecture 6 1 K map 2 and 3 variable
2024-05-20 ClassLecture 6 1 Logic gates.
2024-05-20 ClassLecture 7 1 Implementation using logic gate
2024-05-18 ClassLecture 6 1 Conical and standard form
2024-05-17 ClassLecture 6 1 Minimize boolean function
2024-05-15 ClassLecture 6 1 Code conversation
2024-05-14 ClassLecture 6 1 Subtraction using complements
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 6 1 R's complement
2024-05-04 ClassLecture 6 1 Binary asthmatic
2024-05-03 OnlineClass 6 1 Conversion of numbers