Code| Weekly
BCS 401 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Vikram Sharma
CS | 4th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Operating System

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Lab Total
1 13 4 17
2 21 3 24
3 17 4 21
4 12 1 13
5 13 1 14
Total 76 13 89

Lectures taken in Operating System

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-07-19 ClassLecture 1 5 Operating system paper solutions
2024-07-18 ClassLecture 1 5 File management in os
2024-07-16 ClassLecture 1 5 File system in os
2024-07-15 ClassLecture 1 5 Directories in os
2024-07-15 ClassLecture 7 5 Operating system device management
2024-07-13 ClassLecture 1 5 File organisation
2024-07-12 ClassLecture 1 5 Shortest job first scheduling algorithms numericals
2024-07-11 ClassLecture 1 5 First unit revised os
2024-07-11 Lab 7 5 Dns server in os
2024-07-10 ClassLecture 1 5 Types of raid level
2024-07-09 ClassLecture 1 5 Raid in operating system
2024-07-08 ClassLecture 1 5 Input output subsystems
2024-07-06 ClassLecture 1 5 Input output buffering
2024-07-05 ClassLecture 1 5 Inputs and output device
2024-07-04 ClassLecture 1 4 Cache memory organization
2024-07-04 ClassLecture 7 4 Computer forensics and it's types dos and ddos
2024-07-03 ClassLecture 1 4 Virtual memory in os
2024-07-02 ClassLecture 4 4 Virtual memory in os
2024-07-01 ClassLecture 1 4 Thrashing in os
2024-07-01 Lab 7 4 Operating system lab
2024-06-29 ClassLecture 1 4 Paged segmentation
2024-06-28 ClassLecture 1 4 Paging segmentation
2024-06-28 ClassLecture 1 4 Paging segmentation
2024-06-27 ClassLecture 1 4 Paging in operating system
2024-06-26 ClassLecture 1 4 Basic bare machine
2024-06-25 ClassLecture 1 4 Resident monitor
2024-06-24 ClassLecture 1 4 Basic bare machine
2024-06-19 ClassLecture 1 3 Round Robin scheduling algorithms numericals
2024-06-18 ClassLecture 1 3 Round Robin scheduling algorithms numericals
2024-06-15 ClassLecture 1 3 Round Robin scheduling algorithms numericals
2024-06-15 ClassLecture 2 3 Round Robin scheduling algorithms numericals
2024-06-14 ClassLecture 1 3 Shortest job first scheduling algorithms numericals
2024-06-14 ClassLecture 5 3 Virtual private network
2024-06-13 Lab 7 3 Fcfs algorithms
2024-06-13 ClassLecture 1 3 Fcfs numericals
2024-06-12 ClassLecture 1 3 Round Robin scheduling algorithms
2024-06-12 ClassLecture 1 3 Round Robin scheduling algorithms
2024-06-11 ClassLecture 1 3 Shortest job first scheduling algorithms
2024-06-10 ClassLecture 1 3 First come first serve algorithms
2024-06-10 Lab 7 3 Linus operating system
2024-06-10 Lab 7 3 Linux operating system
2024-06-10 Lab 7 3 Linus operating system
2024-06-05 ClassLecture 4 3 Difference between process and thread
2024-06-04 ClassLecture 1 3 Advantage of threads
2024-06-01 ClassLecture 5 3 Scheduling in os
2024-05-30 ClassLecture 1 3 Process control block and Process state
2024-05-29 ClassLecture 1 3 Cpu criteria in os
2024-05-28 ClassLecture 1 3 Cpu scheduling
2024-05-28 ClassLecture 7 2 Java programming lab
2024-05-27 ClassLecture 1 2 Sleeping and barber problem
2024-05-24 ClassLecture 1 2 Inter process communication
2024-05-23 ClassLecture 1 2 Deadlocks in os
2024-05-22 ClassLecture 1 2 Dining and philosopher problem
2024-05-21 ClassLecture 1 2 Concurrent execution and parellel Execution
2024-05-20 ClassLecture 1 2 Peterson solution
2024-05-20 Lab 7 2 Operating system lab
2024-05-18 ClassLecture 1 2 Bakery algorithms
2024-05-17 ClassLecture 1 2 Dekker solution
2024-05-16 ClassLecture 1 2 Producer and consumer problem
2024-05-15 ClassLecture 1 2 Types of semaphore
2024-05-14 ClassLecture 1 2 Semaphore in os
2024-05-13 ClassLecture 1 2 Critical section problem
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 1 2 Solution of first unit
2024-05-06 ClassLecture 1 2 Critical section problem
2024-05-06 Lab 7 2 Operating system lab
2024-05-04 ClassLecture 1 2 Mutual exclusion
2024-05-03 ClassLecture 1 2 Advantage of concurrency and disadvantage
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 1 2 Principal of concurrency
2024-05-02 Lab 7 2 Operating system lab
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 1 2 Difference between process and program
2024-05-01 Lab 7 1 Cyber security lab
2024-04-30 ClassLecture 1 2 Process control block and Process state
2024-04-27 ClassLecture 1 2 Process,process control block
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 1 1 Micro kernel and spooling
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 7 1 Component of the operating system
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 1 1 Kernel and types of kernel
2024-04-23 ClassLecture 1 1 Services of operating system
2024-04-22 ClassLecture 1 1 File management and activities of operating system
2024-04-20 ClassLecture 1 1 Function of an operating system
2024-04-19 ClassLecture 1 1 Structure of operating system
2024-04-18 ClassLecture 1 1 Interactive operating system
2024-04-18 Lab 7 1 Operating system lab
2024-04-16 ClassLecture 1 1 Multi processing operating system
2024-04-15 ClassLecture 1 1 Time sharing operating system and process operating system
2024-04-15 Lab 7 1 Operating system lab
2024-04-12 ClassLecture 1 1 Operating system types of operating
2024-04-12 Lab 2 1 Operating system
2024-04-10 ClassLecture 1 1 Operating system
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 1 1 Operating system