Code| Weekly
BAS202 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Devanshi Bajpai
B | 2nd Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Engineering Chemistry

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture Lab Class_Test_Assignment ClassPPT VirtualLab Total
1 21 1 1 0 0 23
2 4 0 0 0 0 4
3 7 0 0 0 0 7
4 18 0 0 4 1 23
5 16 0 0 1 0 17
Total 66 1 1 5 1 74

Lectures taken in Engineering Chemistry

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-07-19 ClassLecture 2 2 Nmr specteoscopy and revision
2024-07-19 ClassLecture 3 2 Revision of previous concepts
2024-07-04 ClassLecture 2 3 Dry cell battery revision
2024-07-03 ClassLecture 2 3 Dry cell or laclanche cell working and chemical reactions
2024-07-02 ClassLecture 4 3 Electrochemical cell and electrolytic cell
2024-06-29 ClassLecture 2 3 Setting and hardening of cement reactions
2024-06-29 ClassLecture 4 3 Plaster of paris . And introduction to electrochemistry
2024-06-27 ClassLecture 2 3 Cement introduction .. raw material of cement
2024-06-27 ClassLecture 4 3 Cement manufacturing by rotary kiln method
2024-06-26 ClassLecture 2 5 Lithium aluminium hydride properties , application and reaction
2024-06-26 ClassLecture 4 5 Revision of mot
2024-06-25 ClassLecture 2 5 Lithium aluminium hydride properties , application and reaction
2024-06-25 ClassLecture 4 5 Lithium aluminium hydride reaction
2024-06-24 ClassLecture 2 5 Organometallic compounds and grignard reagent
2024-06-24 ClassLecture 4 5 Classification of organometallic compound and preperation of grignard reagent and application of grignard reagent
2024-06-19 ClassLecture 2 5 Revision for sessional exam
2024-06-19 ClassLecture 4 5 Revision of mot and polymer reaction
2024-06-18 ClassLecture 2 5 Conducting polymer polymer blends and polymer composite
2024-06-18 ClassLecture 4 5 Revision of unit 5
2024-06-14 ClassLecture 2 5 Vulcanization of rubber preperation properties and synthesis of Buna S Buna N nitril rubber polychloroprene neoprene and thiokol
2024-06-13 ClassLecture 2 5 Rubbers introduction , natural rubber vulcanization of rubber , reaction of polyisoprene
2024-06-12 ClassLecture 2 5 Preperation ,properties and uses of Kevlar decron
2024-06-12 VirtualLab 6 4 Determine the alkalinity of water .. determination of hardness using EDTA
2024-06-11 ClassLecture 2 5 Reactions of teflon ,PMMA,NYLON 6,6 and Nylon 6
2024-06-10 ClassLecture 2 5 Reaction of polyethene PVC and Teflon as well as its properties application and environmental impact
2024-06-07 ClassPPT 2 5 Classification of polymer on the basis of origin , chemical structure and orientation of monomers thermal stability nature of bonding
2024-06-06 ClassLecture 2 4 Proximate analysis of coal along with numericals
2024-06-06 ClassLecture 4 4 Ultimate analysis of fuel
2024-06-06 ClassLecture 6 5 Introduction to polymers
2024-06-04 ClassLecture 2 4 Bomb calorimeter numericals
2024-06-03 ClassLecture 2 4 Bomb calorimeter working and construction
2024-06-01 ClassLecture 2 4 Bombs calorimeter principle working
2024-05-30 ClassLecture 2 4 Introduction to fuels classification of fuel.. calorific value of fuel characteristics of a good fuel
2024-05-29 ClassLecture 2 4 Numericals of zeolite on percentage composition
2024-05-28 ClassLecture 2 4 Lime soda numericals
2024-05-27 ClassLecture 2 4 Lime soda process reactions and determination of lime and soda
2024-05-27 ClassLecture 5 4 Numericals on Lime and soda
2024-05-23 ClassLecture 2 4 RO process of water softening and Lime Soda process of water softening
2024-05-22 ClassPPT 2 4 Ion exchange process diagram,reactions
2024-05-21 ClassPPT 2 4 Basics of ion exchange
2024-05-20 ClassLecture 2 4 Numericals on zeolite process and introduction to ion exchange process
2024-05-18 ClassPPT 2 4 Zeolite process all details
2024-05-18 ClassPPT 4 4 Zeolite advantages and disadvantages
2024-05-17 ClassLecture 2 4 Types of boiler troubles and introduction to zeolite process
2024-05-09 ClassLecture 2 1 Revision of all the topics coming in sessional exam
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 1 4 Numericals on hardness of water ..calculating hardness in terms of CaCO3 equivalent.
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 2 4 Boiler troubles... sludge and scales problems
2024-05-08 Class_Test_Assignment 6 1 Revision of unit 1 for sessional
2024-05-07 ClassLecture 2 4 Numericals on hardness of water
2024-05-06 ClassLecture 2 4 Calculation of hardness of water in terms of CaCO3 equivalent
2024-05-03 ClassLecture 2 4 Types of hardness and calculation of molecular weight of salt
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 2 2 Green route for synthesis of adipic acid.. water treatment introduction
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 1 1 Green chemistry basics
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 2 1 Basics 12 principles of green chemistry .. conventional route for preperation of adipic acid
2024-05-01 Lab 7 1 Lab .. alkalinity basics
2024-04-30 ClassLecture 2 1 CNT structure ,property and uses.
2024-04-29 ClassLecture 2 1 Fullerenes structure ,property and uses
2024-04-27 ClassLecture 2 1 Structure properties and uses of graphite
2024-04-26 ClassLecture 2 1 Nanomaterials, preperation, properties and application
2024-04-26 ClassLecture 4 1 Revision of MOT and Liquid crystals
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 2 1 Lyotropic liquid crystals and its types
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 4 1 Nanomaterials introduction and preperation
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 2 1 Classification of liquid crystals .. thermotropic liquid crystals and its types .. smectic ,nmectic ,cholestric and discotic
2024-04-23 ClassLecture 2 1 Liquid crystals arrangement , first liquid crystal and types of liquid crystal
2024-04-23 ClassLecture 4 1 Revision of molecular orbital
2024-04-20 ClassLecture 2 1 Revision of molecular orbital
2024-04-19 ClassLecture 2 1 MoT of CO NO and HF .. introduction to liquid crystals
2024-04-18 ClassLecture 2 1 Arrangement of ionic species in the order of increasing bond length and strength
2024-04-16 ClassLecture 1 1 MOT of O2 ,N2 and its ions
2024-04-15 ClassLecture 2 1 Molecular Orbital diagram electronic configuration , diagram of N2
2024-04-12 ClassLecture 2 1 Introduction to Molecular Orbital Theory and scope of MoT features of MoT and LCAO principle differentiating BMO &ABMO
2024-04-09 ClassLecture 2 1 Chemical bonding different types of bond formation
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 2 1 Syllabus discussion
2024-04-04 ClassLecture 6 2 Upnishads , basics of ramayan and mahabharat