Code| Weekly
404 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Vijay Pratap Singh
BBA | 4th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Summary of Lectures of Human Resource management

Units / Lecture Types ClassLecture ClassPPT Total
1 12 0 12
2 11 2 13
3 7 0 7
4 6 0 6
5 0 0 0
Total 36 2 38

Lectures taken in Human Resource management

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-03-19 ClassLecture 3 4 Grievances handling
2024-03-18 ClassLecture 4 4 Grievance Handling & Discipline
2024-03-15 ClassLecture 3 4 Bonus & commission and it's types
2024-03-14 ClassLecture 4 4 Remuneration and it's types
2024-03-12 ClassLecture 4 4 REMUNERATION & Types of Remuneration
2024-03-11 ClassLecture 3 3 Difference between job enlargement and job enrichment
2024-03-11 ClassLecture 4 4 Employee welfare and various welfare scheme
2024-03-09 ClassLecture 4 3 Job enrichment and job enlargement
2024-03-06 ClassLecture 4 3 Job enlargement and job enrichment, quality of work life (QWL)
2024-03-05 ClassLecture 4 3 Traditional method of performance appraisal
2024-03-01 ClassLecture 4 3 Process of job evaluation and performance appraisal
2024-02-28 ClassLecture 4 3 Employee compensation act,1923 and job evaluation
2024-02-27 ClassLecture 3 3 Compensation, welfare and employee compensation and it's key components
2024-02-23 ClassLecture 4 2 Methods of Training - on-the job method and Off-the job training
2024-02-22 ClassLecture 4 2 Training and development
2024-02-22 ClassLecture 7 2 Methods of training - on the job training and off the job training
2024-02-13 ClassLecture 4 2 Induction and orientation discuss and define
2024-02-13 ClassPPT 7 2 Model on government bank
2024-02-12 ClassPPT 2 2 Types of Selection tests and interview and types of interviews
2024-02-10 ClassLecture 4 2 Selection and selection process
2024-02-09 ClassLecture 4 2 Factors affecting recruitment, Selection define and discuss
2024-02-07 ClassLecture 4 2 Sources of recruitment
2024-02-06 ClassLecture 4 2 Process of recruitment and sources of recruitment
2024-02-05 ClassLecture 5 2 Process of recruitment
2024-02-02 ClassLecture 4 2 Introduction to Recruitment & different definitions of recruitment by different authors
2024-01-30 ClassLecture 4 1 Job description and specification
2024-01-25 ClassLecture 4 1 Job description and job specification and their differences
2024-01-24 ClassLecture 4 1 Job analysis, it's type and it's steps
2024-01-19 ClassLecture 4 1 types of personnel policies and its principles
2024-01-16 ClassLecture 4 1 Personnel policies, it's characteristics and objectives
2024-01-13 ClassLecture 4 1 Objectives of HRM and functions of HR Department
2024-01-11 ClassLecture 4 1 Scope and significance of HRM
2024-01-10 ClassLecture 4 1 HRM definitions and introduction
2024-01-08 ClassLecture 4 1 Significance of HRM and objectives of HRM
2023-12-30 ClassLecture 4 1 Different definition of HRM by different authors and scope of HRM
2023-12-28 ClassLecture 4 1 Human resources and human resources management define and discuss
2023-12-26 ClassLecture 4 1 Introduction to human resources management