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Vijay Pratap Singh
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Lecture Entry from Admin Panel only

Subjects taken by Vijay Pratap Singh

SubjectId SubjectName (Click for Subject Details) SubjectCode No. of Lecute Entries SectionName BatchName
1753 XYZ 1 Fitter ITI-22-23
1755 XYZ 1 Fitter ITI-22-23
1757 XYZ 1 Electrician ITI-22-23
1758 XYZ 1 Electrician ITI-22-23
2013 Management thoughts & Philosophy 201 78 BBA BBA-BCA-2023
2016 Legal & Regulatory framework of business 204 58 BBA BBA-BCA-2023
2021 Research Methodology 403 41 BBA BBA-BCA-2022
2022 Human Resource management 404 38 BBA BBA-BCA-2022
2023 Taxation Laws 405 47 BBA BBA-BCA-2022
2024 Production Management 406 42 BBA BBA-BCA-2022
2025 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ 201 49 BCA BBA-BCA-2023
2033 Computer Network 404 11 BCA BBA-BCA-2022
2035 Fundamentals of Crop Physiology 17 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2036 Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry 15 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2037 Fundamentals of Entomology-I 40 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2038 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 23 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2039 Principles of Organic Farming 20 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2040 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 37 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2041 Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices 15 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2042 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education 18 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2043 Food Processing and Safety Issues 17 BSC-AG B.Sc. (AG)
2158 Big Data KOE-097 2 CS Btech-20-23
2161 BIG DATA KOE-097 16 AI&ML Btech-20-23
2169 Web Technology KCS 602 64 CS Btech-21-24
2171 Software Engineering KCS 601 7 CS Btech-21-24
2172 BIG DATA KCS 061 9 CS Btech-21-24
2174 xyz 0 CS Btech-21-24
2177 Web Technology KCS 602 65 AI&ML Btech-21-24
2179 Software Engineering KDS 063 17 AI&ML Btech-21-24
2188 Design of Concrete Structures KCE 601 31 Civil Btech-21-24
2191 Foundation Engineering KCE 064 14 Civil Btech-21-24
2200 Quantity Surveying and Valuation 35 Civil Dipl-21-23
2228 Applied Physics-II NA 0 ME Dipl-23-25
2234 xyz 0 0 CS Btech-20-23
2242 power system KEE601 0 EN Btech-21-24
2243 Microprocessor & Controller KEE602 0 EN Btech-21-24
2244 Power Electronics KEE603 0 EN Btech-21-24
2245 Special Electrical Machine KEE061 0 EN Btech-21-24
2246 Idea to Business Model KOE060 0 EN Btech-21-24
2247 Indian Tradition, Culture and Society KNC602 0 EN Btech-21-24
2248 Digital Communication KEC601 0 EC Btech-21-24
2249 Control System KEC602 0 EC Btech-21-24
2250 Antenna and Wave Propagation KEC603 0 EC Btech-21-24
2251 Satellite Communication KEC 062 0 EC Btech-21-24
2252 Idea to Business Model KOE060 0 EC Btech-21-24
2253 Indian Tradition, Culture and Society KNC602 0 EC Btech-21-24
2260 xyz BAS 201 0 A1 Btech-23-26
2270 Math-IV BAS401 0 EC Btech-22-25
2272 Communication Engineering BEC401 0 EC Btech-22-25
2274 Analog Circuits BEC402 0 EC Btech-22-25
2276 Signal System BEC403 0 EC Btech-22-25
2277 Cyber Security BCC401 0 EC Btech-22-25
2280 Object Oriented programming with Java BCS 403 86 CS Btech-22-25
2286 Object Oriented programming with Java BCS 403 85 AI&ML Btech-22-25
2305 Engg Physics BAS 201 0 A2 Btech-23-26
2358 Engineering Mechanics BCE301 0 Civil Btech-22-25
2359 Surveying and Geomatics BCE302 0 Civil Btech-22-25
2360 Fluid Mechanics BCE303 0 Civil Btech-22-25

Lecture Entry from Admin Panel only