Code| Weekly
KCS 602 | 6 Lectures
Faculty Name
Vijay Pratap Singh
CS | 6th Sem
Section Details
Time-Table | University Syllabus| Lecture Plan
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Subject Materials: Notes, Presentations

Summary of Lectures of Web Technology

Units / Lecture Types ClassPPT ClassLecture Lab Total
1 1 26 0 27
2 1 6 0 7
3 0 5 0 5
4 0 11 3 14
5 3 7 1 11
Total 5 55 4 64

Lectures taken in Web Technology

LectureDate LectureType LecturePeriod Unit/Chapter Topic
2024-05-24 ClassLecture 1 4 Revision of unit-4
2024-05-23 ClassLecture 1 4 Students is not present
2024-05-22 ClassLecture 1 4 Difference between session and entity
2024-05-21 ClassLecture 1 4 State less, state full,message driven bean
2024-05-20 ClassLecture 1 4 Session Bean, Stateless session bean
2024-05-20 Lab 7 4 Java programming
2024-05-18 ClassLecture 1 4 Introduction of bean
2024-05-17 ClassPPT 1 5 JSP introduction overall
2024-05-16 ClassPPT 1 1 JSP with program
2024-05-15 ClassPPT 1 5 Programming lab
2024-05-14 ClassLecture 1 5 A first java server page
2024-05-13 ClassLecture 1 1 Java server page, overview
2024-05-13 ClassPPT 7 5 I was giving syllabus PPT in seminar hall
2024-05-08 ClassLecture 1 5 Java server page
2024-05-06 ClassLecture 1 5 Introduction JSP
2024-05-06 Lab 7 5 Swing programe
2024-05-04 ClassLecture 1 1 Cookies with all types
2024-05-03 ClassLecture 1 5 Forward(), send redirect()
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 1 5 Hyper test transfer protocol
2024-05-02 ClassLecture 5 1 Do while loop with example ,continue
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 1 5 Life Cycle of a Servlets
2024-05-01 ClassLecture 4 1 While loop, example
2024-04-30 ClassLecture 1 5 Servlets with java
2024-04-29 ClassLecture 1 4 Ajay with example
2024-04-29 Lab 7 4 Programming lab
2024-04-27 ClassLecture 1 4 Document, form,DOM
2024-04-25 ClassLecture 1 4 Documents, forms in java script
2024-04-24 ClassLecture 1 3 For ,while loop, do while loop with example
2024-04-23 ClassLecture 1 3 Control statements in javascript
2024-04-22 Lab 1 4 Lab practical of javascript
2024-04-20 ClassLecture 1 4 Students is not present
2024-04-19 ClassLecture 6 4 Students is not present
2024-04-16 ClassLecture 1 3 JDBC OVERVUEW and types
2024-04-15 ClassLecture 1 1 Java applet with examples
2024-04-15 ClassLecture 7 3 Students is not present
2024-04-13 ClassLecture 1 1 AWT with all property
2024-04-10 ClassLecture 1 1 Try,catch,throw with example
2024-04-09 ClassLecture 1 1 Students is not present
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 1 1 Exception Handling
2024-04-08 ClassLecture 7 1 Program of exception handing
2024-04-05 ClassLecture 1 1 Introduction web, history of web , introduction internet service and tools, introduction to client services computing
2024-04-04 ClassLecture 1 1 Abstraction with example
2024-04-03 ClassLecture 1 1 Polymorphism with types
2024-04-02 ClassLecture 1 1 Hybrid with example
2024-04-01 ClassLecture 1 1 Inheritance, single multiple, Hierarchical with example
2024-04-01 ClassLecture 7 1 Students is not present
2024-03-20 ClassLecture 1 1 Parameter constrictor
2024-03-20 ClassLecture 3 1 Parameter constrictor with example
2024-03-19 ClassLecture 3 1 Constructor with all types
2024-03-19 ClassLecture 1 1 Students is not present
2024-03-18 ClassLecture 1 1 Students are not present in class
2024-03-18 ClassLecture 3 1 Students is not present
2024-03-15 ClassLecture 1 1 For loop , while loop nested
2024-03-15 ClassLecture 2 2 Switch case with examples, do while loop , if else nested if with example
2024-03-14 ClassLecture 1 1 Java with keywords
2024-03-13 ClassLecture 1 1 Program hello print in java
2024-03-12 ClassLecture 1 1 Introduction to Java
2024-03-11 ClassLecture 1 2 dom methods all types
2024-03-09 ClassLecture 1 2 XML DTD,VALIDATOR,namespace DOM Parser, dom methods
2024-03-05 ClassLecture 1 2 Xml with all tag include example
2024-03-04 ClassLecture 1 2 XML introduction, WITH tag
2024-03-01 ClassLecture 1 2 CSS with examples
2024-02-29 ClassPPT 1 2 Html with tags image , table ,form and all tags